Quick Contact


    [group group-R300]

    [group group-R350G]

    [group group-R450]

    [group group-R500G]

    [group group-R250]

    [group group-R300G]

    [group family]

    [group familyG]


    [group group-collection]

    [group gr-100][/group]
    [group gr-150][/group]
    [group gr-250][/group]
    [group gr-300][/group]
    [group gr-350][/group]
    [group gr-450][/group]
    [group gr-500][/group]

    [group group-Postage]

    [group group-courier]

    [group gr1][/group]
    [group gr2][/group]
    [group gr3][/group]
    [group gr4][/group]
    [group gr5][/group]
    [group gr6][/group]
    [group gr7][/group]

    [group gr8][/group]
    [group gr9][/group]
    [group gr10][/group]
    [group gr11][/group]
    [group gr12][/group]
    [group gr13][/group]
    [group gr14][/group]

    [group gr15][/group]
    [group gr16][/group]
    [group gr17][/group]
    [group gr18][/group]
    [group gr19][/group]
    [group gr20][/group]
    [group gr21][/group]

    Banking Details

    A/C NUMBER 62557881565
    Branch Code:220529

    Please use your Contact Number and Your Institution abbreviation as your reference.
    Example (0835467129 KPE)

    Selfie-Photo so that we can match your details to your photos.

    Your captured image will appear here…

    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.

    Kindly Note
    1.No freelance photographers will be allowed on the premises.
    2.Due to security reasons graduates are encouraged to pay for packages by EFT( banking details below).
    3.Graduates paying by EFT must bring proof of payment to the registration desk and collect an invoice on the day of graduation.
    4.Due to logistics, packages does not come with frames but can be purchased at our offices or on graduation day at the registration desk.
    5.Graduates are requested to have the receipt when doing inquiries for the order.
    6.Invoices/receipts must be kept safely as they are required during the ordering and collection process.
    7.No order will be processed without full payment.
    8.Graduates that have requested their packages to be posted via registered mail will receive a tracking number via sms or e-mail when accepted by the post office for delivery.
    9.Family photos will be taken 3 hours out before the graduation and again after the ceremony is completed.
    10.Packages that are not collected from the post office within 30 days will be sent back to us and the client will be responsible for expenses involved.
    11.Please allow 30 working days to process your graduation orders.